Parsing XML have been a headache for quit a few programmers, including me ;) . So in this post I will give a very simple approach to achieve it. First let us consider an XML file, "simple.xml" with the following content:
<name>Galaxy Tab</name>
Our motive is to navigate through each product and display their details in a listed format such as:

During such parsing all you have to do is to use getElementsByTagName() function smartly. Here there is only 1 "products" tab but multiple "product" tag. So we need to run the loop on the "product" tag.
Here is how I have had done this. Create another file, "example.php" with the following:
$document = new DOMDocument();
$root = $document->getElementsByTagName("products")->item(0);
echo '<ol>';
foreach ($products as $products_item)
echo "<li><b>".$prod_name->nodeValue."</b> (".$prod_currency->nodeValue.$prod_price->nodeValue.")</li>";
echo '</ol>';
As soon you give the "->item(0)", it referes to the first instance of the tag, hence no looping is required. This is what i have done for "products" tag. As there is only a single instance of it in the entire XML. Similarly under each "product" tag, there is only 1 instance of "name", "currency" and "price" tag hence i have given:
Finally "->nodeValue" returns the value inside the tag. The output generated would be something like:
Best of luck
Parsing XML have been a headache for quit a few programmers, including me ;) . So in this post I will give a very simple approach to achieve it. First let us consider an XML file, "simple.xml" with the following content:
<name>Galaxy Tab</name>
Our motive is to navigate through each product and display their details in a listed format such as:

During such parsing all you have to do is to use getElementsByTagName() function smartly. Here there is only 1 "products" tab but multiple "product" tag. So we need to run the loop on the "product" tag.
Here is how I have had done this. Create another file, "example.php" with the following:
$document = new DOMDocument();
$root = $document->getElementsByTagName("products")->item(0);
echo '<ol>';
foreach ($products as $products_item)
echo "<li><b>".$prod_name->nodeValue."</b> (".$prod_currency->nodeValue.$prod_price->nodeValue.")</li>";
echo '</ol>';
As soon you give the "->item(0)", it referes to the first instance of the tag, hence no looping is required. This is what i have done for "products" tag. As there is only a single instance of it in the entire XML. Similarly under each "product" tag, there is only 1 instance of "name", "currency" and "price" tag hence i have given:
Finally "->nodeValue" returns the value inside the tag. The output generated would be something like:
Best of luck
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