Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick Links - MD5 Converter, base64 encoder/decoder

Hi All,

This is a nifty little code, which is usefull when you quickly want to convert something into MD5, or base64 encode/decode any string. Generally, I have seen programmers and testers do that using online tools. But this will save your the time for searching for a website then converting it. With this code, just one simple step and you don't even have to go to a separate browser tab to find a MD5, base64 encode/decode of a string.

Download: shortcuts.html

Steps to follow:

1. Enable the bookmark toolbar of your browser.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Responsive Design


Recently I came across a client request for a responsive website. Here is a small tutorial how you can achieve it.

Firstly, what is responsive design? It is basically a technique of web designing where the layout, design or content of the website adjusts itself based on the device from which it is being viewed. The device can be mobile phone, iPad or laptop.

The basic idea is very simple. When a webpage is opened in a device, the change that a web page goes through, as far as design is concerned, is the width of the browser. Responsive design allows designers to define different styles for different widths. That way the css changes dynamically based on the browser width, hence making it device independent.

Download Demo:
(Open the demo1.html in any browser and reduce the width of the browser to see the effect)

Following are 3 snapshots of the same page in different devices:

For Laptop/Desktop (Assumed width: 1500px):

For smaller devices such as iPad (Assumed width: 1000px):