Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick Links - MD5 Converter, base64 encoder/decoder

Hi All,

This is a nifty little code, which is usefull when you quickly want to convert something into MD5, or base64 encode/decode any string. Generally, I have seen programmers and testers do that using online tools. But this will save your the time for searching for a website then converting it. With this code, just one simple step and you don't even have to go to a separate browser tab to find a MD5, base64 encode/decode of a string.

Download: shortcuts.html

Steps to follow:

1. Enable the bookmark toolbar of your browser.

2. Run the '.html' file which is available for download as mentioned at the end of the post.
3. The HTML file contains 3 links. Drag and drop each in the bookmark section.

This steps needs to be done just one's.  Next time when you are developing or testing something and you need a MD5 of a string, or base64 encode/decode a string, just click the appropriate links in the bookmark section and get the results.

Download: shortcuts.html

Hope this helps.

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