Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Google Page Rank Calculation

Page rank is an algorithm used by Google search engine, initially formulated by Sergery Grin and Larry Page. It is a algorithm which gives a rating to a particular web page. All the big companies are spending many dollars to increase their page rank. It may look daunting, but the page rank algorithm is in fact quit elegant and simple as follows:

PR(A) = (1-d) + d{ PR(T1)/C(T1)  + ...............+ PR(TN)/C(TN) }

PR(A) = page rank of page A.
PR(T1) = page rank of page T1 which links to page A.
C(T1) = number of outgoing links from page T1.
d = damping factor 0 < d < 1


From the above algorithm we can deduce the following:

1. More the number of incoming links better.
2. Lesser the number of outgoing links the better.

We just need to keep these two basic concepts in mind before designing any web page. Another very important factor that we can notice is, it has nothing to do with the search term that is queried. This is just one single part of entire Google relevance program.

Google first finds out the relevance of the keyword in the webpage and then multiplies it with the page rank to generate the final list of competing links for a search results. Thus higher your page rank, higher up the results you will be. But still you need to take care of the positioning of words in your web page as discussed in my previous post.

Post in your comments for better solution and explanations.

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