Saturday, April 9, 2011

Optimizing your page to come up in Google search


This is a continuation of my previous post. In this I will be highlighting few generic rules making your web page appreciable to search engine. The search is basically performed on keywords. Such as "PHP Books", where PHP and Books are two different keyword. You need to architect your website in such a way that these two keywords in your page makes sense to Google.

Here are 10 ways how and where you will use those keywords and optimizing your web page:

1. In META keywords. Not necessary but a good practice. Keep them short and max till 255 characters

2. In META description. Keep the keywords towards the left, but forming a complete meaningful sentence.

3. In the page title. In extreme left, but not the first word.

4. In a H3 tag or higher. Use only once H1 tag in a page and multiple H2, H3 etc. as needed

5. In page URL. Do not duplicate the keywords in URL. Try to use .html or .htm in URL's to be on the safe side. You can use .htacces to convert your .php or .aspx files look like .html/.htm files.

6. In image file name, title and alt tags.

7. Title tags in the anchor, <a>,  in the page.

Other good and useful practices:

8. Validate the HTML page with validators like

9. Use meaningful content in your webpage which makes sense with the keywords that you are targeting.

10. Use more content than HTML, the content should exceed the HTML dramatically. More the content better. But do not repeat contents.

These were few basic tips for optimizing your web page to Google.

Stay updated for more on SEO and Page Rank :)


  1. Very useful SEO tips at a glance. Thanks.

  2. Really very help full tips, I started to use them in my blog
